Dumbbell Bench Press Tutorial

The dumbbell bench press will primarily work the chest, triceps and front delts. The abdominals will work as a stabilization muscle.
To start the movement get the dumbbells in place, and sit back onto the bench bringing the dumbbell up to the top position of the movement. Before beginning, squeeze the shoulder blades tightly behind your body, envisioning that you are trying to hold a tennis ball between them. Use your feet to stabilize and drive to help during the movement. Breathe deeply and brace your abdominals.
Slow and controlled, lower the weight down, keeping your elbows tucked, and not flaring.
Once you reach the bottom, exhale as you press the dumbbells up to top, bringing the dumbbells together at the top of the movement.
Be sure to fully lock you elbows at the top. When you are finished with the set, bring the dumbbells in to your chest and sit up. Do NOT drop them to the side as this can tear a pec muscle.