
The story began when I (Jonah Saller) launched Frontline Strength in the Spring of 2015 as a strength and conditioning gym for athletes out of my parents garage.

At this point in time, I strictly helped men, women, and athletes get physically stronger through the lifting of weights. That was my profession and my craft. In my time training people, I was able to compile a good amount of testimonials backing up my success as a coach, and in the process, I was able to help a lot of people take their goals and make them reality. I continued on as a personal trainer, happily exploring and growing as a coach, but overtime I felt my passion start to dwindle. I started becoming stagnant. Something was missing. My personal training career started to die out during the year of 2018, as I began exploring other areas to find the passion I was missing. I found myself deep within personal development. I read countless books, watched hours of YouTube videos, and spent a great deal of time isolating myself from the world, in the hopes that I could come back stronger than ever.

This is where the story begins again. I am back from the dead. More importantly, my passion for STRENGTH is back. Frontline Strength is being reinvented. In my time growing as a person and learning more, I have come to the conclusion that strength has layers to it, and to truly become a master of strength, you need to develop ALL of these layers. Too often we spend all our time developing the physical strength, and while being physically strong is an amazing gift, when we focus all our attention there, we end up lacking in other areas, that given the proper nourishment would yield greater results in the physical.

If you can deadlift 1,000 pounds, but you're a terrible husband to your wife, what use is that strength? That is a glaring weakness.

If you have an amazing physique that people would die for, but deep down you hate yourself, what good is that physique? It's only there to cover up an insecurity within yourself.

These are some of the questions I began to ask myself. Anybody can go out into the world and lift heavy things, and lead a healthy lifestyle. It's really not complicated. But the truth is, not everyone who lifts heavy things also has integrity. Not everyone has the mental fortitude to stand by their convictions when challenged. Not everyone can live with the kind of confidence that doesn't sway in the face of difficulty. THESE are the kind of things that need to be addressed to truly tap into strength.

I know a lot of GREAT coaches. Many of them MUCH better than myself, but I've noticed that almost all of them focus solely on the physical. There is nothing wrong with that, but if you constantly build your physical body without addressing the other elements, you will not be a well rounded individual.

I have come up with my own philosophy of strength, and it is broken down into three pieces. Spiritual Strength, also known as The Grounding. Mental Strength, also known as The Will. And of course, Physical Strength, also known as the action. In the sections below, I will break these three elements down. This is the fundamental base of the Frontline Strength philosophy.

Spiritual Strength: The Grounding

This first strength is the most important. This is the strength in which you find your identity, your grounding, the base on which you make every decision from. This is the strength that provides nourishment to your SOUL. It is a strength that can only be found in something greater than yourself. The one thing I have discovered in my time learning is that you MUST acknowledge a spiritual world. It is the greatest power and freedom you can receive in life. My belief in that there is a God, and this God sent His son, Jesus Christ to die for the sins of humanity. Because of this, I can be free of the bondage sin had over me. I can be completely grounded and unmoved by the world around me. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING can remove me from this grounding, because it is placed in something that will never change. This is an essential part of my strength philosophy.

Mental Strength: The Will

This is the second most important strength, and as you will see, each strength builds into the other. True mental strength comes ONLY when you have the grounding from your spiritual strength. This is the strength that gives you the will to do things. When you are grounded, you now have the power to make decisions based on principle, not on the ebb and flow of a constantly changing society. You now have the will to stand up in the face of stress and difficult situations and be unmoved. The spiritual empowers the mental. Through this, you can conquer anything. Your mind is always the first thing to give up, and this comes from a lack of grounding. When you are grounded, the will to do things is no longer a weak link. You will act in what you know is true, regardless of what is going on around you. This is the ultimate freedom.

Physical Strength: The Action

When you have your spiritual grounding, you now possess THE WILL to do, but having the will to do something is not enough. This is where the physical side, or ACTION takes place. This is the stage of strength that allows you to act upon your will. This is phase that allows you to pick up a heavy barbell. This is element that allows you to speak with authority and control to those that seek to tear you down. This is where the transfer of WILL to ACTION manifests itself.


As you can see, these three things all work together. If one of them is missing, you will be incomplete. The truth is, everyone has some sort of grounding, some sort of will, and some sort of action, but when these things are not clearly defined and worked on with the same effort and energy as we put into the gym, we do end up being weak.

Frontline Strength was founded on the mission to build people up so that they could become greater human beings, and now I genuinely believe with all my heart that I have found my mission, calling, and passion. I want this company to be a constant building up of those around me. I want to see the people I serve become grounded. I want to see them overcome their demons. I want strength to be viewed through a new lens. Not one, but three foundational layers. Ultimately I want to help forge strong, passionate, caring men and woman, that will go on to share their voice with the world around them. Together, we are Frontline Strength, and together we will grow together to better understand how to become truly Frontline STRONG.

- Coach Jonah

Jonah Saller is an entrepreneur, strength / life coach, avid musician, and worship leader at his local church. He also writes and produces music for his heavy metal band, Solar Harmony.

Jonah is a recreational mixed martial artist, holding a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and over 3 years of western boxing training. He has also trained in wrestling, muay thai, and kali stick fighting. In addition to his martial arts, Jonah enjoys running Spartan races, the outdoors, and Fishing. 

Jonah is a certified Underground Strength Coach under Zach Even-esh, a certified Sports Psychology Coach, and has been personally mentored and coached by Nick Nilsson "The Mad Scientist of Muscle," a veteran of the strength and conditioning industry. Jonah attended the College of Lake County, and went through their Health and Wellness promotion course, taking classes that have allowed him to understand and apply concepts ranging from biomechanics and kinesiology to program design and progression. Since 2015, Jonah has reached thousands of people through Frontline Strength.

Most importantly, Jonah is a follower of Jesus Christ, and wants his work with Frontline Strength to reflect that part of his life. This is where he finds his grounding, and it is the foundation upon which he builds his entire life.

Jonah currently resides in the Chicagoland Area of Illinois with his beautiful wife.

"To Live is Christ, to Die is Gain."

You can follow Jonah on Instagram here.