Jefferson Deadlift Tutorial

The Jefferson deadlift primarily works the hamstrings, glutes, quads, and obliques. It also works the lats and upper back significantly.

To begin this lift, straddle the bar with one leg in front and one behind. Stance should be wider than shoulder width. If the left leg is in front of the bar, the left arm will be gripping outside the leg. If the right leg is behind the bar, the right arm will be within the right leg gripping the bar. You can switch which leg you have forward during different sets. Once your are in the proper position, pull your hips into a squat and bring your back into a straight neutral position.

Breathe and brace your abdominals as you drive your feet into the ground to propel the weight up.
As you reach the top, bring your hips into a fully locked position and turn your body slightly to accommodate the bar position at the top.
Lower the bar slowly, controlling the weight on the way down. Keep your core braced, and you back straight until the bar is on the ground again.