Zercher Deadlift Tutorial

The zercher deadlift heavily works the posterior chain. This is an advanced movement that takes a lot of lower back strength to do. Don’t do this lift if you are a beginner. You should be able to conventional deadlift 315lbs for 5 reps before doing this lift. The lower back, hamstring and glutes will be worked heavily, along with the biceps, and abdominals isometrically.
To start the lift, crouch down into a low squat with a stance slightly outside shoulder width. Hook your arms under the bar inside your stance in the crooks of your elbows.
Make sure the bar is resting on your forearm and not directly on the elbow joint.
To begin the movement, take a deep breath and brace your abdominals. When you begin the lift, stand up keeping your back and abs as tight as you can until you reach a fairly upright position.
Once there, drive your feet into the ground to straighten your body to a fully locked out position.
Lower the weight back to the ground in a slow controlled fashion keeping your core and back braced.
Once the bar is on the ground again, reset and brace your abs before doing another rep.