Sumo Deadlift Tutorial

The sumo deadlift primarily works the posterior chain, but due to the stance, it will work more quadriceps than the conventional deadlift. The abdominals and upper back will be used too, while the lower back is used less than the conventional version.
To start this movement, get in a wide stance outside shoulder width with the  toes pointed out slightly.
Grip the bar inside your stance shoulder width apart. Sink your hips down into a squat and keep your back straight. Your body will be more upright during this deadlift.
As you lift the bar, drive your feet into the ground while bringing your hips to the bar as quickly as you can. Keep the bar close to your legs. Any swinging that causes the bar to move away from you will increase chance of injury during this movement.
To finish the movement, bring your hips forward at the top, fully locking out the movement. 
As you descend the bar back to the floor, keep the barbell close to your body, and keep your core braced. Lower slowly, to overload the eccentric portion, and to prevent injury.