Front Squat Tutorial

The front squat primarily works the quadriceps, but will also build the upper back and abdominals to a great degree.
There are two grips that can be used when doing a front squat. The clean grip, also known as the olympic grip, and the cross grip. Here, I will breakdown the form for both of the grips.
To begin the clean grip, start with your grip a little outside shoulder width. The bar should be resting along your neck above the collarbone, and your elbows should be in line with your shoulders. 
To begin the cross grip, start with the bar along your neck right above your collarbone. Reach your arms across each other and grip the bar with your arms crossing over each other. Your left arm will be grabbing the right side and your right arm will be grabbing the left side. Keep your elbows high, in line with your shoulders. 
The cross grip will probably be the most comfortable grip to those who don’t have a lot of wrist mobility. If you are interested in olympic lifting, the clean grip would be something you would want to do. The movement is the exact same regardless of the grip you choose to use.
To begin, start in a stance shoulder width apart. Take a deep breath and brace your abdominals before squatting.
Start the movement by breaking at the hips and knees at the same time. Descend at a slow and controlled speed, keeping your upper body upright and your core braced. 
As you lower into the bottom of the movement, keep your elbows high and your neck neutral.
To stand back up, drive your feet into the ground and explode up keeping your back straight and your upper body upright. Finish the movement by locking your hips out at the top.