Zercher Squat Tutorial

The zercher squat primarily works the quadriceps and upper back, but also isometrically works the biceps, forearms, and abdominals.
To perform the zercher squat, place the barbell in the crook of your elbow resting on the forearm, not the elbow joint. 
Once you have the bar into position, stand with a stance about shoulder width apart. Take a deep breath and brace your abdominals before beginning the squat. 
As you squat, break at the knees and hips at the same time, descending at a controlled pace. Keep your upper body straight. You will not be able to squat extremely deep due to the fact that your elbows will touch your legs at some point. 
 Once this happens, you have reached the bottom of the squat.
Drive your feet into the ground to explosively stand back up. Make sure to keep your abdominals braced and your upper body upright. Finish the movement by locking your hips out at the top of the movement.