Low Bar Squat Tutorial

The low bar squat will primarily work the posterior chain, which includes the lower back, glutes, and hamstrings. It will also work the quadriceps, but to a lesser degree than the high bar squat due to less knee flexion. 
To begin the low bar squat, place the barbell across your rear delts, slightly lower than you would for the high bar squat which would be across your traps. Your grip on the bar will be wider than shoulder width to accommodate the lower bar position. Shoulder flexibility will play a role in how comfortable this position feels. 
Stand with a wider stance a little outside shoulder width as this squat version is more hip dominant. To begin this movement, breathe deeply and brace your abs. 
Begin by breaking at the knees and hips at the same time while lowering your body in a slow and controlled manner as you keep the weight in the center of your feet. 


As you come towards the bottom of this movement, you will lean forward slightly due to the low bar position. The bottom of this movement occurs once your legs reach a 90 degree angle. 

Once you reach the bottom of the movement, explode back up, driving your feet into the ground. Keep your core braced and your back straight as you come up. Finish the movement by locking your hips out at the top. Take a deep breath and brace your abs, then restart the movement.