High Bar Squat

The high bar squat will primarily work the quadriceps, but will also work the glutes, hamstrings, abdominals, and lower back.


To begin the high bar squat, start by placing the bar along your traps on your upper back, and grip the bar just outside of shoulder width.


Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, or slightly outside of shoulder width. To begin the movement, take a deep breath in and brace your abdominals hard.


As you lower your body, break at the knees and hips at the same time, keeping your upper body upright. You want the barbell to move in a straight line throughout the entire movement. If you lean forward too much, the bar path will change, creating a higher chance of injury during the movement.


As you descend, keep your weight balanced in the center of your feet. If you lean too far forward, your heels will come off the ground, putting a lot of pressure on the knees. If you lean too far back on your heels, you will lose balance.


As you come to the bottom of the movement, do not drop into the bottom, but lower until you are as far down as your mobility will allow.


As you come back out of the bottom, drive through your feet to propel you upwards as explosively as possible. Again, make sure you keep your upper body upright as you come up, being sure not to round your back or lean forward under the load.


Once you reach the top of the movement, lock your hips out fully. Breathe and reset the movement.