Conventional Deadlift Tutorial

The conventional deadlift will primarily work the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back. It will also work the abdominals and the upper back significantly.


To begin the deadlift, Start by stepping up to the bar with a stance shoulder width apart. Bring your feet under the bar with your shins as close to the bar as you can.


Reach down and grip the bar just outside your stance. Once you have done this, sink your hips down and pull your back into a neutral position. Be sure that there is no rounding of the back during the setup, or the movement itself. Once you are in the proper setup position, pull your shoulders tight behind you and pull the slack out of the bar. Take a deep breath and brace your abdominals before you begin the lift.


Next, drive your feet into the ground as you stand up. Keep the bar close to your legs. Any swinging that causes the bar to move away from you will increase chance of injury during this movement. It’s easy to straighten the knees before the hips, but this can be very hard on the lower back. The knees and hips should extend at the same time.



As you lock out at the top of the movement, bring your hips forward slightly to get full glute engagement.


Once the movement is completely locked out, slowly lower the weight back to the floor controlling it as you descend. As the weight is lowered, make sure to keep the barbell close to your body and keep your back straight.

Once the weight is back on the ground, breathe and brace, then restart the movement.