Strength Comes Through Action

We all know that in order to progressively get stronger in the gym we need to lift weights. In other words, there needs to be some sort of stimulus for growth to occur. It’s impossible to grow stronger if we are not increasingly adding more and more resistance to our training. You might be saying, “Jonah, we get that. That’s stupid simple to understand.” I’m afraid however that the vast majority of people don’t fully understand. They may understand what I mean in the gym, but what about in day to day life? In the way they interact with their family? The way they conduct themselves at work? The things they do in their time alone? These are important things to consider. You can’t make the observation that you need to WORK in the gym to see growth, without also understanding that you need to WORK in life to be strong.

The vast majority of American culture has settled for passivity. We have become mindless. We no longer strive for growth, because we have lost our grounding.

You cannot achieve strength through passivity. It takes massive action.

To illustrate a point, I am preparing to become a husband right now. My wedding is coming up very quickly. As I look around at married men, hoping to see examples of what I should strive for, I mainly just see that we’ve failed. I’m not seeing men who are LEADERS of their home. I’m not seeing men who are fierce PROTECTORS of their home. I’m seeing men living in passivity, because it’s EASY. I’m not here to slam people, because I too find myself here at times. When my fiancee asks me a question, I’ll often respond, “I don’t know hon, why don’t you decide,” ignoring the fact that she asked me because she is looking to ME to lead, nurture, care, and offer provision. I MUST step into that role. I cannot be passive while at the same time demanding respect. How can I ask that, when I don’t act respectable? If I lead like I was called to, the respect will come as a natural outcome of me fulfilling my God given role as a husband. But that leadership is like working out. It takes massive action and intentionality to overcome the resistance and grow.

This is of course just one example of where the human race has failed to pursue strength. As you examine yourself, think about all the areas of life we live each and every day. Are you exemplifying strength in those areas? Or are you simply settling?

I’ve written all this to get to this point. The truth is that without grounding, our purpose, morals, and every aspect of our life is hopeless.

You MUST ground yourself in the truth and life of Jesus Christ. When you read the bible, you see His life and realize that everything that He did was intentional. There was ZERO passivity. In order for us to take action in life, we must first ground ourselves in Christ, because he gives us our moral compass, which creates our will. Once grounded, you now are equipped to take action.

In closing, we need to view life like the gym. Part of why I love training so much, is because it literally is a perfect mirror for life. You can’t receive growth without overcoming resistance. Just like in the gym, it takes intentional effort and action. Let us not settle like so much of the world, but let us constantly be guided by our grounding to become true masters of strength in all areas of life. Only then will we know peace.