Pendlay Row Tutorial

The Pendlay primarily works the lats, rear delts, and lower traps, but the biceps and forearms will also be used.
To begin a Pendlay row, start by lining your feet up shoulder width apart with your toes just underneath the bar. Bend down and grip the bar slightly outside your stance. When you grip the bar visualize your hands as hooks, and initiate the pull through your elbows and back. Keep your upper body at a 90 degree angle throughout the movement. Take a deep breath in and brace your core.
As you row the bar off the ground do so in an explosive manner, keeping your upper body straight and your elbows tucked to your side. Resist the urge to shrug your traps to help with the row.
Once the bar has reached your lower chest, bring the bar down to the ground and reset for the next rep.