Bench Press Tutorial

The bench press will primarily work the chest, shoulders and triceps.
To begin the bench press, lay with your back on the bench and place your feet firmly on the ground in a position where you can use your toes to drive into the floor. Grip the bar outside shoulder width. Use the smooth rings on the bar as a gauge for where you place your fingers. You want your grip to be such that at the bottom of the lift your arms are bent at a 90 degree angle.
Once you are in the starting position, put an arch into your low back and pull your shoulder blades tightly behind you. Unrack the bar then breathe and brace your abs.
As you lower the bar, keep your elbows tucked in, and envision you are trying to bend the bar away from you. Lower the bar slowly. Do not let it come down hard on your chest. Keep your breath held and your abs braced.
Once the bar touches your lower chest (right below the nipple line) drive your feet into the ground, and squeeze your glutes as you drive the weight up, letting out your breath as you press. Once you lock your elbows out at the top, breathe and brace again, then start the second repetition.