Unconventional Training

Unconventional training is a style of training using objects and techniques that you would not find (or be allowed to do for that matter) in a “normal gym.” It is an amazing way for athletes to think outside the box, and use exercises that not only use the entire body very functionally, but also build power, strength, muscle, and cardiovascular capacity very well. Though basic compound movements should always be a staple for training, sometimes the body needs something new with movement patterns that cross multiple planes of motion and challenge the body and mind. Nothing builds mental toughness and stamina needed for sports like unconventional training. It will push your mind to a new level, and build your body in ways that you just couldn’t do with “normal” training…. Here’s a list of the best unconventional exercises for building overall athleticism, and how to do them.

Click on the links for more info on each exercise.

Loaded Carries

Sledgehammer Training

Car Pushing

Tire Flips

Sled Push/Pull

Odd Object Training